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New York Criminal Defense Attorney’s Peter Tilem and John Campbell spent the morning,yesterday, on The Pulse 87.7 FM talking about criminal law and answering listeners’ questions. Peter Tilem and John Campbell were on the Star and Buc Wild morning show during the 8:00 am hour and ended up staying until 10:00 am talking with Star, DX 21 and White Trash Helene while listeners phoned and E-Mailed in their legal questions and even an NYPD Sergeant E-Mailed in his question concerning arresting people for Possession of Rifles in New York City.

Tilem & Campbell sponsored breakfast for the show and a great time was had by all; both Peter Tilem and John Campbell were invited back to come on the show in the near future. Yesterday’s appearance was videotaped and will be posted on this blog as soon as the video becomes available.

The simple fact is, a motorist charged with a New York traffic violation has no statutory right to a speedy trial. The denial of a statutory right to a speedy trial in a New York traffic violation case is yet another example of the New York Judiciary completely disregarding the laws duly enacted by the Legislature and imposing their own will. It is yet another example of what I consistently refer to as judicial supremacy as opposed to judicial oversight. Such rulings by the courts quite simply amount to a judicial hijacking of the legislative role thus destroying the separation of powers.

A review of the relevant laws reveals that the Courts’ denial of speedy trial rights in traffic violation cases (as well as the denial of other rights in traffic violation cases) is completely contrary to the clear and unambiguous wording of the laws; laws that the judiciary is constitutionally obligated to enforce and carryout whether they agree with them or not.

First of all, the New York State Legislature has determined that, with some exceptions, traffic “violations shall be deemed as misdemeanors and all provisions of law relating to misdemeanors . . . shall apply except that no jury trial shall be allowed for traffic infractions.” See VTL § 155. Therefore, if the Legislature has determined that traffic violations are to be treated procedurally as misdemeanors, under what possible theory could the speedy trial statutes not apply? See for example People v. Solomon, 1984, 124 Misc.2d 33, 475 N.Y.S.2d 749 (1984) where the court held that the right to speedy trial does not attach to actions commenced for traffic violations. See also People v. Howell, 158 Misc.2d 653, 601 N.Y.S.2d 778(1993)(Speedy trial statute applies only to felonies, misdemeanors, and violations, and “violation” is specifically defined to exclude traffic infractions.)

The City Court of White Plains is a busy Court located in the heart of downtown White Plains. The White Plains Court handles Landlord – Tenant cases, speeding tickets and traffic violations, small claims cases, Civil Suits with a monetary claim up to $15,000, criminal cases including both misdemeanor cases and felony cases before they are indicted by a grand jury.

As a White Plains criminal defense lawyer with a busy criminal and traffic practice, I routinely appear in the White Plains Court on a wide variety of criminal and other cases. My office is just a short walk from the White Plains City Court which is located near the White Plains Federal Court and the Westchester County Court.

The City of White Plains is the County Seat of Westchester County and is located just 25 miles from Manhattan. White Plains has a residential community of about 56,000 people with a population that increases to about 250,000 on any given business day as shoppers, workers and visitors arrive by rail, car, and bus. The City is one of Westchester County’s top business markets and is home to a large amount of retail activity concentrated into this small city. With three large shopping malls and a newly renovated downtown featuring “top notch” restaurants, shopping and nightlife, it is no wonder that the City Court of White Plains is an exceptionally busy Court.

There are generally no classifications of people who are exempt or disqualified from jury duty in New York State. However, in order to be initially selected for the jury pool in your county, you must be a citizen of the United States as well as a resident of the particular county that has summoned you for jury duty; have never been convicted of a felony; be at least 18 years of age and be able to communicate in English. See Jud Law § 510. If you don’t satisfy all of these qualifications you are ineligible for jury duty in New York State.

Prior to January 1, 1996, active members of the armed forces; elected federal, state, city and local officers; the heads of certain government agencies; and federal or New York State judges were deemed disqualified to serve as jurors. See Jud. Law 511 (1995). These statutory disqualifications were repealed effective January 1, 1996.

Furthermore, prior to January 1, 1996, certain full-time religious practitioners, certain members of the medical field including doctors, dentists, nurses, licensed physical therapists and even embalmers as well as attorneys, fire personnel, sole proprietors engaged in the full-time operation of their business, parents or guardians with children under the age of 16 and those over 70 years of age were exempt from jury duty. These statutory exemptions were repealed effective January 1, 1996.

New York State law enforcement officials announced this week a new campaign to crack down on Driving While Intoxicated or Impaired on New York State roads. The campaign coincides with the national “Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest,”campaign which is scheduled to last until September 2, 2008. The program calls for police agencies throughout New York State to increase the use of saturation patrols and checkpoints in an effort to catch intoxicated and impaired drivers.

Readers of this Blog and clients of Tilem & Campbell are reminded of my blog dated March 3, 2008 warning drivers about being arrested even if their Blood Alcohol Limit (BAC) is below the legal limit. Obviously it goes without saying that a driver should never operate a vehicle while intoxicated or impaired by any substance. However, if you are stopped in a DWI check point and you have alcohol on your breath you may be arrested regardless of whether you are legally intoxicated or impaired.

Keep in mind that if you refuse to take the breath test your license to operate a vehicle in New York will be revoked for a period of one year regardless of whether you are convicted of DWI or DWAI. Remember that a good lawyer can challenge both the police testimony and the breath test results.

Another compelling reason not to allow the issuing officer to also act as the prosecutor in a New York traffic violation case is supported by the Latin maxim “inclusio unius est exclusio alterius”. What this Latin Maxim means is that where a law expressly describes a situation where it applies, an irrefutable inference arises that what was excluded or omitted was intentionally excluded or omitted. This ancient rule of statutory construction is codified in New York McKinney’s Statutes § 240 titled “Expression of one thing as excluding others”.

Section 240 states in pertinent part: “where a law expressly describes a particular act, thing or person to which it shall apply an irrefutable inference must be drawn that what is omitted or not included was intended to be omitted or excluded.” In other words, where a statute specifically mentions that said statute applies to one category of persons, said statute irrefutably implies the exclusion of other persons not specifically mentioned was intended by the Legislature. See e.g. Combs v. Lipson, 44 Misc.2d 467, 254 N.Y.S.2d 143 (1964)(Holding that the express grant of power to one person excludes by implication the grant of same powers to another.)
Applying this rule to situations where non-attorneys may represent others in New York, if the New York State Legislature enacted a statute which expressly described what class of non-attorneys could represent other people in court, an irrefutable inference arises that those non-attorneys not described in the statute may not represent others in a court or other quasi-judicial proceeding.

Indeed, the New York State Legislature has in fact enacted a law prohibiting a non-attorney from appearing as an attorney except is certain delineated circumstances. New York Judiciary Law § 478, titled “Practicing or appearing as attorney-at-law without being admitted and registered” makes it unlawful for those who have not “been duly and regularly licensed and admitted to practice law in the courts of record of this state” from acting or holding themselves out as attorneys.

The same statute however, goes on to specify certain categories of non-attorneys that may otherwise act in an attorney like capacity despite the fact that they are not duly admitted to practice in the State of New York. For example, law students who have completed two semesters of law school or who are awaiting their bar exam results may, under the supervision of the Legal Aid Society or other government agency such as the District Attorney’s Office, partake in lawyerly activities otherwise prohibited for non-lawyers. Jud. Law § 478

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The simple fact is, the practice of the issuing officer prosecuting their own New York traffic tickets is allowed only because of an outright Judicial hijacking by the court’s of the State Legislature’s power. Generally, the New York State Constitution establishes that the Legislative Branch (consisting of the New York State Assembly and New York State Senate) enact the laws (with the consent of the governor) (see NY Const. Art. 3, § I).

The New York State Executive branch enforces and carries out the laws enacted by the New York State Legislature (See NY Const. Art. IV) and the New York State Judiciary branch interprets and applies the laws enacted by the Legislature (NY Const. Art. VI). It is not the function of the Executive and/or the Judiciary branches to create laws.
This division of powers and responsibilities is commonly known as the “Separation of Powers” doctrine most of us learned about early in our scholastic careers. The “Separation of Powers” doctrine is a bedrock principle in this country as well as in New York. Each branch of government should be free to carry-out its lawful duties free from the improper interference from the other branches of government. New York State Inspection, Sec. and Law Enforcement Employees, Dist. Council 82, AFSCME, AFL-CIO v. Cuomo, 64 N.Y.2d 233, 485 N.Y.S.2d 719, 475 N.E.2d 90 (1984).

Therefore, whether they agree with the law or not, law enforcement (which is part of the Executive Branch) must enforce a law duly enacted by the Legislature. For example, it’s not for law-enforcement to decide that drugs should be legal and refuse to enforce our drug laws. Similarly, absent some constitutional infirmity, judges are bound to impose and interpret the laws as written by the Legislature whether they agree with them or not.

Applying the Separation of Powers Doctrine to attorney admissions to practice law in New York, it is the New York State Legislature that has the unrestricted power to determine the procedures and by what evidence the qualifications for admission as an attorney to the New York State Bar should be ascertained. In re Cooper, 22 N.Y. 67 (1860). In fact, in Cooper, the Court of Appeals noted that the authority and power to admit attorneys to practice in the State of New York is not an inherent power of the courts but is entirely subject to legislative action.

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As I explained in a previous blog, the practice of officers prosecuting the New York traffic tickets they issue was upheld by the New York Court of Appeals case; People v. Soddano. Soddano and it’s holding that officers may act as prosecutors for their tickets is flawed for several glaring reasons. First, the practice violates a principle as old as trials themselves – a witness may not act as an advocate at a trial. In other words, if the lawyer is a witness in a case, he may not act as one’s lawyer in that same case. For example, if I witness a car accident, I am forbidden from representing someone involved in that car accident. This is commonly referred to as the “Witness-Advocate Rule”. In fact, this ancient rule is codified in the Disciplinary Rules that attorneys in this State are obligated to follow. See N.Y.Ct.Rules, § 1200.21(c); (DR 5-102(c).

This is a very basic rule that most sixth-graders could comprehend once it was explained to them. If you are a witness in the case, you can’t represent someone in the case. Therefore, in a traffic ticket case, the issuing officer is not only a witness; he or she is usually the complaining, and sole witness in the case. Accordingly, under the “Witness-Advocate Rule”, the officer should be barred from representing the People. The officer should be barred from acting as an advocate in the very case he or she is the main witness. Very simple, right? Wrong!

You see, in most New York local criminal courts, “up is down” “down is up” “left is right” “right is left” and the Constitution and Due Process are mere annoyances that are simply cast aside. When I first became an attorney, I thought I was missing something. I became hesitant to even open my mouth in court because apparently in local criminal court, words have different meanings and statutes are interpreted and applied without regard to the plain wording of the law. I came out of law-school thinking the judges were the most wise and legally educated individuals in the equation. Quickly, however, I realized that I wasn’t misreading the law; I came to learn that the law doesn’t matter. It’s that simple – THE LAW DOESN’T MATTER. The extent to which most local criminal court judges will contort the law to ensure conviction and accommodate the prosecution is mind boggling.

The answer to this question is fairly simple; when it comes to New York traffic violations, the Courts of New York State have allowed deeply rooted judicial principles founded on fairness to be disregarded. As I said in a previous blog, far too many judges have no apparent concept of the presumption of innocence and proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. This fact is more prevalent in traffic court where, in most (but not all) courts, if a traffic violation actually goes to trial, the guilty outcome is a foregone conclusion. The trial, sadly, is a rubberstamp process and the rubberstamp says “Guilty”.

The New York criminal justice system particularly as it pertains to lower level offenses is designed for speed. Some New York courts handle hundreds of tickets per day; others handle dozens per day. Needless to say, fair trials are not on the top of the judge’s list of things to do. In my opinion the desire to “move cases” has eroded our rights to a fair trial in New York traffic court. A prime example of placing the need to “move cases” over the rights of defendants is the practice of having the police officer who issued the ticket both plea bargain the ticket and if necessary, prosecute the ticket. This practice has been condoned by the highest court in New York. See People v. Soddano, 86 N.Y.2d 727, 631 N.Y.S.2d 120 (1995) where the New York Court of Appeals held that officers may, upon a proper delegation from the duly elected District Attorney, prosecute the traffic tickets they issue. The Court acknowledged that the elected county District Attorneys are ultimately responsible for all prosecutions in their particular county (See County Law § 700) but held that the County District Attorneys could properly “delegate” the authority to prosecute traffic infractions to the issuing police officers.

In reality, I doubt the officers have any formal delegation of authority from the elected District Attorney to prosecute their own tickets. Tilem & Campbell handles hundreds of traffic tickets each year and I only recall one time where a local village prosecutor actually presented a written delegation of authority from the elected District Attorney allowing that local prosecutor to prosecute traffic violations within that village. In fact, if you were to ask the issuing officer under what authority he was acting as prosecutor, he or she would most likely have no idea what you were talking about. Most police officers probably learned as rookies that they negotiate and/or prosecute their own tickets. It is in reality, a matter of custom. Ask a local judge to dismiss or inquire as to what delegation of authority the officer has to act as prosecutor and most (not all) local court judges will look at you like you are speaking an unknown foreign language. That’s the reality of New York traffic court.

So your New York Criminal case is heading to jury selection. At jury selection both your criminal defense attorney and the prosecutor will have an opportunity to question potential jurors chosen from the jury pool. (Jury selection itself will be discussed in a later blog). How is the jury pool assembled? Where does the commissioner of jurors for the county your case is be tried in get the names of people to summon for jury duty?

Potential jurors’ names are selected from such lists as voter registration, drivers’ license holders, registered motor vehicle owners, tax payers, those on public assistance, those collecting unemployment and/or those who have volunteered for jury duty. NY Jud. Law § 506. Therefore, that old-time belief that if you don’t vote you won’t be chosen for jury duty is no longer the case. Because one might be discouraged from voting for fear of being selected for jury duty does violate one’s right to vote. Marcus v. Levin, 198 A.D.2d 214, 603 N.Y.S.2d 323 (2nd Dept. 1993).

From the above mentioned lists, the commissioner of jurors randomly selects the names of potential jurors. This random selection may be done mechanically or by any other method to ensure random selection. NY Jud. Law § 507. The randomly selected individuals will make up the jury panel from which your jury will ultimately be selected.

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