Peter Tilem, managing partner of White Plains law firm Tilem & Campbell, has successfully completed a three day class in Driving Under the Influence/Driving While Intoxicated defense sponsored by the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the National College for DUI Defense.
The class, held at Caesars Palace Hotel in Las Vegas from October 8th through October 11th, focused on, among other things, Field Sobriety Testing (Walk and Turn, One Leg Stand and the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus), the various Breathalyzer machines and their shortcomings, cross-examination of the arresting officer as well as the Breath Test Operator, issues involving blood and urine testing, cross-examination of the state’s toxicologist, recent decisions concerning DWI defense and public speaking issues involving jury presentation. The classes were taught by leading DWI and DUI attorneys from across the nation; many of whom are Board Certified in DUI Defense by the National College for DUI Defense.
Additionally, Mr. Campbell is certified by Blackwater Worldwide in Driving Under the Influence Detection. Blackwater’s certification required Mr. Campbell to complete and 8 hour class in DUI detection and pass a proficiency exam. He is also certified by NIK Public Safety in Narcotic Field Testing having taken a two hour class offered by NIK as well as passing a proficiency exam.
Those charged with Driving While Intoxicated need attorneys that know not just the law, but the science and procedures related to Driving While Intoxicated. Tilem & Associates can provide just such attorneys. For more information call 1-888-DWI-COUNSEL or visit www.888DWICOUNSEL.COM.