Tilem & Associates senior partner, Peter Tilem was quoted by the Associated Press over the weekend in an article about Brooke Astor’s son, Anthony Marshall. Marshall was convicted on October 8, 2009 of several counts including Grand Larceny in the First Degree for looting his mother’s estate. Grand Larceny in the First Degree carries a mandatory minimum of one to three years in state prison and last Friday, Marshall’s attorneys filed a Clayton motion seeking to dismiss the Grand Larceny in the First Degree charge so that Mr. Marshall could avoid a prison sentence.

Mr. Tilem, who is familiar with the Clayton Motion also called a Motion to Dismiss in the Interest of Justice was interviewed for the article and was quoted. As discussed in our previous blog, on the subject, a Judge must consider 10 factors which are listed in the New York Criminal Procedure Law when considering a Motion to Dismiss in the Interest of Justice. Mr. Tilem raised a concern about one the factors in the Astor case. The statute asks a judge to examine the impact that dismissal would have on the confidence of the public in the criminal justice system. Mr. Tilem raised the concern that because of the wealth and notoriety of Mr. Marshall a dismissal, especially at this post trial stage of the case, would make it appear that Mr. Marshall was treated differently than others with less money or fame.

New York criminal defense firm Tilem & Campbell scored another major victory in a DWI case today when Supreme Court Justice William Wetzel found the defendant not guilty of felony DWI after trial. The defendant was found not guilty of the felony but was found guilty of unlawful possession of marihuana, a non-criminal offense that carries a maximum penalty of a $100 fine. The defendant was facing up to four years in prison on the felony charge.

The charge arose based upon a one car accident in Yonkers. The defendant refused to take a chemical test but his driving privileges were quickly restored after Tilem & Campbell, partner Peter Tilem won at the DMV refusal hearing.

The defendant had been charged with one count of Driving While Ability Impaired by Drugs or Alcohol and Drugs under Vehicle & Traffic Law section 1192 (4-a), a relatively new section of the New York Vehicle and Traffic Law.

Our July 15, 2009 blog on the Auxiliary Police Officer arrested for possession of Mace has sparked tremendous interest with many calling our firm or writing in about the issue and many wanting to find out how to obtain a New York City permit for mace. Some have contacted us about there failed efforts to obtain information about the permit from the New York City Police Department. The regulations are summarized in our May 24, 2009 blog. So I leave it to you; if any one knows how to obtain a New York City permit for mace, please comment to this blog, or contact Tilem & Campbell with the information. I will publish the results in a future blog.

According to today’s newspapers the NYPD Cop accused of killing a woman while driving in an intoxicated condition, had a blood alcohol content of 0.0 indicating that no alcohol was present in the officers blood seven hours after the incident. The blood was not drawn for seven hours after the accident. As discussed in my previous blog, New York drivers arrested for DWI have the right to refuse to take a chemical test. The result of the blood test substantially weakens the case against the officer who is accused of killing the woman while driving drunk.

Early Sunday morning, New York City Police Officer Andrew Kelly, while allegedly driving in an intoxicated condition, struck and killed 32 year old Vionique Valnord in Old Mill Basin, Brooklyn. The accident happened at approximately 12:41 a.m., however, Kelly’s blood was not drawn for more than seven hours. How can this happen? Simple, Officer Kelly exercised his statutory right to refuse to submit to a chemical test.

Let’s start with a brief overview of New York’s “deemed consent” law. To summarize the law; every New York driver is deemed to have given consent to the testing of their breath, blood, urine or saliva to determine the alcoholic and/or drug content of their blood provided the officer has reasonable grounds to believe the driver is impaired or intoxicated and the test is administered within two hours of arrest. See NY VTL § 1194(2)(a)(1), (2) see also 10 NYCRR 59.2 (All samples shall be collected within two hours of the time of arrest).

However, a driver has a qualified statutory right to refuse to submit to a chemical test. The right to refuse is qualified in several ways. Yes, one may refuse to take the test and, absent a court order, no test will be given. However, although one may refuse the test, if properly warned of the consequences, and if they persistently refuse, they may incur a “civil” penalty which includes a fine and the revocation of their driver’s license if the refusal is proven at a DMV refusal hearing. See NY VTL § 1194(2)(b). Further, if the driver, after being sufficiently warned about the consequences associated with refusing, nevertheless, persistently refuses, the refusal can be used by the prosecution at trial. See NY VTL § 1194(2)(f).

As previously discussed, officers are trained in three different Phases of Driving While Intoxicated detection. Phase 1 involves the officer’s observations of the vehicle in motion, Phase 2 involves the officer’s personal contact with the driver and Phase 3, which I will discuss here, involves Pre-Arrest Screening.

During Phase 3, the officer will determine whether the driver has consumed alcohol and whether such consumption has impaired the driver to the extent that he should be arrested. The main focus during Phase 3 is on the driver’s performance on the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs). During this Phase the officer might also ask the driver to blow into a Portable Breath Test (PBT) to determine the presence of alcohol but the PBT should only be used to support the SFST; it should not be used in place of SFSTs. In New York, the results of a PBT are not admissible at trial (but they are admissible at pre-trial hearings).

The SFSTs not only determine impairment but also whether the driver can perform divided attention tasks. The only three SFSTs validated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) are the (1) Walk-and-Turn; (2) One-Leg-Stand; and (3) Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus. These will all be discussed separately in future blogs.

Those charged with a New York DWI/DUI or related offenses, should be pleased to hear that New York criminal defense lawyer, Peter Tilem, the managing partner at Tilem & Campbell recently completed two courses relevant to Driving Under the Influence, Driving While Intoxicated and Driving While Ability Impaired by Drugs. These courses are the same courses that some members of law enforcement take themselves. The knowledge gained in these classes will help Mr. Campbell better cross-examine police officers, toxicologists and others at trial.

With regard to DWI and/or DUI, Mr. Campbell has completed and has been certified by Blackwater Worldwide in Driving Under the Influence Detection. This 8 hour course concentrates on, among other things, the three “validated” Standardized Field Sobriety Tests which are the (1) Walk-and-Turn; (2) One Leg Stand; and (3) the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus. The course also focuses on Preliminary Breath Screening (which is the handheld device officers sometimes ask a motorist to blow into on the side of the road), and “Red Flags” an officer looks for when observing moving vehicles that indicate a possible intoxicated driver. (weaving, swerving, no headlights at night, wide turns, etc)

Further, Mr. Campbell recently completed a course in, and has been certified by, NIK Public Safety in Narcotic Field Testing. This 2 hour course focused on the field testing of substances to identify illegal drugs such as cocaine and marijuana. Field testing of this type is usually done by law enforcement officers in the field to test substances found during searches, car stops, etc. Mr. Campbell was trained in how to use field testing kits and identify various drugs based upon the test results, how to properly use NIK’s Polytesting system which is utilized when the officer has no idea what the substance is (as opposed to most situations where an officer has an idea of what the substance is), and how to utilize NIK’s reference materials relating to narcotic field testing.

Mortgage Fraud has taken center stage in Westchester County Courts and around New York State. This national problem has taken on extra prominence in New York where property values are high. As a criminal defense law firm that has handled many mortgage fraud cases including headline making cases we are seeing an increased number of cases and increased enforcement by law enforcement authorities.

Indeed, in connection with a high profile mortgage fraud case that this firm is involved with, the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office announced the formation of a Mortgage Fraud Unit to investigate and prosecute mortgage fraud in Westchester County. The Westchester County case resulted in the arrest of 8 people, 6 of whom were mortgage professionals and two attorneys.

Mortgage Fraud can take on many different flavors. The Westchester case is alleged to involve “Equity Stripping” which is a way of stealing the equity from a person facing foreclosure. Other cases can involve appraisal fraud, falsely preparing mortgage applications, using straw buyers with good credit to purchase properties, “flipping” properties from one buyer to another, identity theft or a combination of these practices.

Senior partner, Peter H. Tilem, appeared on the five o’clock news earlier this evening commenting on the Taconic Parkway fatal collision that left the driver and seven others dead. The piece appeared on channel 7’s Eyewitness news shortly after 5 pm. Mr. Tilem, who is a former senior prosecutor in the New York County District Attorney’s Office, was asked about the possibility of charges being brought against the husband of the woman who was allegedly intoxicated and indicated that it would not be sufficient if the husband was merely are of a history of substance abuse.

The full video is available and can be viewed at Tilem & Campbell’s media page along with other videos of partners Peter Tilem and Peter Tilem in the news.

As a former Manhattan Prosecutor I have presented hundreds of cases to grand juries in New York. As a partner at a prominent criminal defense firm I have sat with clients inside the grand jury as they were questioned by prosecutors. With recent news reports about the a New York County Grand Jury considering charges against New York Giants stars Plaxico Burress and Antonio Pierce, it is important to understand exactly what a grand jury is and how it operates.

No person may be tried on a felony charge in New York unless a grand jury has considered evidence and voted an indictment or unless the person has waived indictment. The grand jury itself is made up of between 16 and 23 people. They are charged with the duty of hearing and examining evidence involving offenses or misconduct whether or not the misconduct is criminal. In order for a grand jury to vote an indictment 12 of the grand jurors must vote to indict.

The burden to vote for an indictment is low. A grand juror need only find that there is reasonable cause to believe that a person committed an offense. In laymans terms that means that a grand jury need only find sufficient evidence to accuse a person of having committed a felony. This is a very different standard than the proof “beyond a reasonable doubt” needed to convict someone of a crime.

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