
New York Criminal Attorney Blog


New York Appellate Court Reversed Trial Courts Denial of Defendant’s Motion to Suppress

Earlier this month, a state appellate court issued a written opinion in a New York drug possession case discussing the defendant’s motion to suppress. Specifically, the defendant appealed the lower court’s denial of his motion to suppress arguing that the arresting officer’s pat-frisk of the defendant was illegal. Without answering…


New York Court Suppresses Defendant’s Statement Made to Out-of-State Law Enforcement Officers

Earlier this month, a state appellate court issued an opinion in a New York criminal case involving a question as to whether statements that the defendant made to Pennsylvania state troopers could be used against him in his New York arson case. Ultimately, the court concluded that the Pennsylvania State…


New York Court Affirms Defendant’s Conviction for Constructively Possessing a Firearm

As New York’s premier second amendment lawyers we closely monitor cases that may affect the ability of our client’s to lawfully be in possession of firearms and cases that affect our ability to fight gun charges.  Late last year, a state appellate court issued a written opinion in a New…


Appellate Court Discusses New York’s Tampering with Evidence Statute in Recent Marijuana Possession Case

Earlier this year, a state appellate court issued an opinion in a New York marijuana possession case involving the question of whether the defendant could legally be convicted of tampering with evidence after he threw a bag of marijuana to the ground while being chased by police. The court determined…


New York Court Affirms Denial of Motion to Suppress, Finding the Defendant Consented to the Search

Earlier this month, a state appellate court issued an opinion in a New York gun possession case involving the denial of the defendant’s pre-trial motion to suppress. Motions to suppress are often the most critical stage of a trial in cases involving guns or drugs, especially where the contraband item…

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